Structure and routine are key components of a successful recovery from a substance use disorder. Without a healthy routine to follow, it can be easy to fall back into old habits and a dysfunctional lifestyle. Recovery from an addiction can provide the perfect opportunity to reset other areas of your life, as well. These new, healthier habits you develop can help you feel empowered during your recovery journey.
1. There will be no acts of aggression, threats of violence or physical horseplay toward any other resident, visitor, or the owner/manager on the property at any time.
2. No weapons of any kind will be allowed on the property under any circumstance. This applies to all residents and visitors on the property.
3. Residents will show respect and positive regard for others by avoiding all “annoyance activities” on the property, which might adversely impact other residents. (ex: loud music, television or conversations late at night disturbing others). No name calling, no bullying.
4. All residents are responsible to pick up after themselves and keep all common areas clean. In addition, each resident will have assigned specific housekeeping, sanitation and/or maintenance responsibilities for common areas and grounds to be done daily. House responsibility accountability text must be sent to the House Manager after you have completed your responsibility.
5. Each resident is to keep their room in a clean, neat and orderly fashion.
6. No nudity in common areas.
7. All residents must become active members of AA or NA and have a sponsor to move in to as well as to stay living in the house.
8. No pets are allowed.
9. Rent is to be paid on time in full unless otherwise discussed with the House Manager at least 2 weeks prior to the date rent is due. If rent is late there will be a $15 fee per day until rent is caught up.
10. All residents must attend house meetings (only when there are issues in the house that need to be discussed) unless they have proof that their employment schedule would prevent attendance and must notify the House Manager at least 2 hours in advance.
11. Internet and Wi-Fi Services may be provided to the Residents but are NOT guaranteed. Misuse of these amenities may result in the removal of said services.
12. No sleeping will be allowed in common areas.
13. Each resident and/or visitor will be solely responsible for any personal property items brought into the house or on the grounds.
14. Any theft of house or other property will result in immediate expulsion with no refund of any deposits, etc. Such acts will be reported to the proper authorities.
15. No smoking is allowed inside the house.
16. No video games will be played on living room television if other residents wish to watch tv.
17. After 9pm please keep it down. Volume of tv, music, or talking will be kept to a minimum while others are sleeping.
18. House issues are not to be discussed outside of house except with sponsor or house management.
19. Visitors are allowed to be at the house between the hours of 9am and 9pm. Visitors must be 18 and older and are NOT allowed in the residents rooms.
20. Each resident will be allowed only one motor vehicle on the property. Motor vehicles must have proof of license, insurance and registration on file with the management.
21. Each resident is responsible for the health and well-being of both himself and their visitors.
22. A failed drug test or breaking of the rules will result in being asked to leave IMMEDIATELY.
. You will have three days (72 hours) to remove your property or it will be donated.
23. Each resident and their guests will be either in the house or back yard (not the front yard).
24. Possession or use of any alcohol or mood altering drugs will not be permitted on the property and will result in suspension or termination of residency IMMEDIATELY. All personal items will be removed from the property within three days (72 hours) of such an event.
25. A relapse (use of alcohol or drugs) or violation of rules, can result in suspension or termination of residency.
26. Each resident is responsible to report any use of alcohol or drugs to management, as well as any illegal activity. This also means that if you have a roommate who is using, and we feel you knew about it and did not bring it to management’s attention this may also risk the chance of you being asked to leave.
27. All residents must wash their dishes right after using them unless they need to soak, in which case they are to be completed within 1 hour after.
28. Residents are not allowed to be away from the house for more than two days without prior authorization from the house management.
29. Refusal to take drug and or alcohol test will result in immediate removal.
*Rules subject to change without notice.